Coach/Trainer Pathways

Unlock the transformative potential of coaching with the Wholeness Work method. Our pathways guide you through a journey of personal and professional development to effectively lead and inspire.

  • Evolve your coaching skills to facilitate profound change.
  • Immerse in dynamic training experiences to deepen your practice.
  • Gain expertise with a community of dedicated Wholeness practitioners.

Steps To Offering Quality Coaching And Training

Do you want to use the Wholeness Work as a coach? Do you want to teach the Wholeness Work for groups? Perhaps you want to do both.

If you are reading this, you probably know from your own experience that this work is quite transformative. Live trainings and coaching sessions offered by experienced, skilled, capable, and kind-hearted practitioners are going to be an essential part of sharing the Wholeness Work and its potential impact in the world.

Coach/Trainer Pathways

The Wholeness Work is simple in one sense, yet can be a rich dance of subtlety and intricacy as one’s understanding deepens.

If you want to coach and/or train Wholeness Work, below are the current recommended steps that will help you to offer this work in a quality and congruent way. These steps don’t necessarily need to happen in order.

Three Notes:

Over time we will be adding to the resources available, and may even create a Certification Pathway. As we learn what is useful to Trainers/Coaches, we expect to offer resources to match.

Currently we are not offering official certification of Wholeness Trainers. We are instead making recommendations for acquiring the skills and experience that make it possible to offer high quality trainings.

The steps below are what we consider the necessary background in Wholeness Work. Most Trainers and Coaches will benefit from additional background in other areas. In depth training and experience with Core. Transformation is recommended, since this method is complementary to Wholeness Work and can increase its effectiveness.

Steps 1-7, for Both Coaches and Trainers:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7

Do the processes yourself as a practice

Having personal experience with how the method works is essential. This lays the foundation for being able to effectively guide someone else, and to teach the work congruently. The longer you have done this practice yourself, the more you will have intuitions to draw upon when guiding someone else.

There isn’t a set number of days to do this practice that is suddenly “enough,” although I encourage doing the personal practice for three months (90 days) before beginning to teach in a significant way.

Note: it can be extremely helpful to work with the impetus to teach, as part of the inner work we each do. Is there a “one who” is really excited to teach? Is there a “one who” is so excited and wants to begin immediately? These are wonderful impulses. And we personally, plus our teaching, will benefit from integrating this impulse. In the advanced training days, you learn more options for how to fully integrate this.

Guide other people through the process(es)

Once you have experienced the work yourself, guide others through the Wholeness Processes. Guiding a range of people individually will help give you the breadth of experience you need to effectively teach/guide an entire group.

Participate in a minimum of 3 Wholeness Trainings with Connirae

Why do we recommend 3? In the most effective teaching of Wholeness Work, the teaching follows the flow of the group’s experience. Some teaching points only “fit” when they arise spontaneously from what happens with people in the training room. For this reason, each Wholeness Training goes differently. I have never made all the teaching points that can be made about beginning Wholeness Work in a single training. Once you’ve participated in 3 Wholeness Trainings with me, you will have a sense of how one can respond to a range of participants, questions, challenges, and more.

There are several ways you can meet the “3-Training” requirement: through online Wholeness Trainings, live Wholeness trainings, or a combination of both.

A. Live Trainings: Attend at least one live training if possible. Here is the current schedule of live trainings:

Alumni rate: After you’ve attended one live Wholeness training with Andreas NLP Trainings in Boulder, Colorado, you can come back for the same live training with us at a special alumni rate. (Sponsors in other locations set their own policies for alumni.)

B. Online Trainings: Our online Wholeness streaming video trainings with Connirae make it possible for people around the world to learn this work. If you’re not able to attend our live trainings, you can take advantage of all of our Wholeness learning materials. Right now this includes: · Level 1 Wholeness Work Training (streaming video recorded in September 2013) · Level 1 Plus Wholeness Training (streaming video recorded November 2016)· Level 2 Wholeness Work Training (streaming video recorded 2022) · Complete Wholeness Client Session (video download) · Meditation Format Demonstration (20 min. video download)

C. Coaching at a live training: If you have attended at least one live training with me, and are using the Wholeness Work as part of your regular personal practice, you can also apply to be a coach at a live training. If you’d like to serve as a coach, email the training sponsor to indicate your interest. Please include information about: · Your background experience with Wholeness work; · The online and/or live Wholeness trainings you’ve already attended, including the number of days, location, date (at least the year), and Trainer name. · Any additional information you think might be relevant to your being a coach.

Right now this includes:
·2-day “Coming to Wholeness” Training (streaming video recorded in September 2013) · 3-day “Coming to Wholeness” Training (streaming video recorded November 2016)
Complete Wholeness Client Session (video download)
Meditation Format Demonstration (20 min. video download)

Click here to visit the main Wholeness website for details

If you have attended at least one live training with me, and are using the Wholeness Work as part of your regular personal practice, you can also apply to be a coach at a live training. If you’d like to serve as a coach, email the training sponsor to indicate your interest.

Please include information about:
Your background experience with Wholeness work;
The online and/or live Wholeness trainings you’ve already attended, including the number of days, location, date (at least the year), and Trainer name.
Any additional information you think might be relevant to your being a coach.

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Continue to use Wholeness Work as a personal practice.
Once you’ve met the 90 day practice criteria, if this work fits for you, continue using it as a personal practice. This will enrich your experience and the wisdom with which you can coach and/or teach this work.

Read “Coming to Wholeness: How to Awaken and Live with Ease"

Optional Tips: Find a Practice Partner Practicing the Wholeness Formats with a partner can be a useful way to learn. You can find someone from your area, or meet online (using Skype or other video format) with a partner from any location.

Consider Individual Wholeness Coaching If you’d like, you can consider scheduling a few individual coaching sessions with a skilled and experienced Wholeness Coach. If you’re doing this to prepare for your own coaching and/or training, we suggest working with someone who has considerable direct experience with Connirae’s work, and is recommended.

Attend Wholeness Advanced Training Days.

For coaches, Advanced Training will mean you will be able to usefully guide your clients much farther in their own personal journey. Practically, your clients will want to book more sessions with you because you’ll be able to offer more useful guidance for them. The advanced training days teach formats and principles that will make it possible to meet a wider range of issues and obstacles. They will enable you to understand what may happen for your clients as they continue using Wholeness Work, and be able to offer useful guidance.

The more complete your training is, the more perspective and wisdom you will have when offering coaching and/or Training. The Advanced training days will give you a sense of where this work is leading.

My suggestion is for Trainers to have experienced at least one day beyond the day(s) you want to teach. For example, if you want to teach Wholeness Day 1 & 2, then be sure to have the training background of Wholeness Days 1 through 3. This will give your teaching more perspective and context. So far, Connirae has offered formal Training in Days 1 through 4. Material for Days 5 and beyond has not yet been offered in public training and has only been taught in coaching sessions. We will add this material to the live and online trainings as soon as possible.

Get the Wholeness Trainer Materials Packet. (Most useful for Trainers.)

This packet is currently in production and will include a license agreement to utilize all of the materials and handouts, a detailed Trainer Manual, and may include other materials not generally available to the public. For example, additional material may include video clips of working with challenging situations. If you are on our email list at, you’ll get a notice when the Trainer Materials Packet becomes available. Materials and license to use them will be available for a reasonable fee.

A Few More Thoughts For Future Wholeness Trainers & Coaches: Is Wholeness Work Simple?

Because the beginning principles seem simple (and are simple in one sense), there is a tendency for people to think they “know it” and are qualified to pass it on right away. However, I’ve noticed that often very capable and intelligent people initially misunderstand some fairly basic aspects. This is one of the reasons I’m suggesting the “3 trainings” background as a minimum criterion for beginning to teach. Once someone has a depth of understanding, the work can offer so much more than in its beginning version. I would like to see the work carried forward with its full potential.

In the beginning, most people don’t realize how easy it is to misunderstand the Wholeness Work. I didn’t understand nearly everything about Wholeness Work when I began using it, and it’s unlikely you will either. I continue to learn as I do the practice myself and guide others.

You can have a much faster learning curve than I did, by making use of all the learning materials we have available. I am noticing that individual clients of mine go through a progression much faster than I did, because of what I know now that I didn’t know when I started out. I’m encouraging you to start by learning everything that’s known at this point. Then your explorations and creativity will happen at an accelerated rate.
Maintaining the Integrity of the Training Design:
As a trainer, it can be tempting to try to cram “all” the material into less time than we outline in the training manual. People are busy. We are growing accustomed to consuming our information in short, fast sound bytes.

With the Wholeness Work, it may be especially important NOT to succumb to this temptation! Sometimes a “quick” version can mean people aren’t able to integrate the work in their experience. If you attempt to do it too quickly, it will be less potent (just like you can’t eat all the food to sustain you for a week, in a single meal).

Rushing things is counter to the Wholeness Work itself, and would mean your participants get a watered-down version of the work. To maintain the integrity of the work, we recommend that trainers follow the training design that we outline in the manual. At the same time, the nature of Wholeness Work is to follow the flow of experience, and recognizing that each person and each group is unique. After you have experience with the basic training design, you will be in a better position to consider making adaptations.
Sequence of Training:
Connirae is offering the Wholeness Methods in a carefully mapped out sequence. While some things can be offered in a different order, many of the Advanced Methods rely upon experience with the Basic Methods. This reliance isn’t so much due to cognitive understanding, but laying an experiential foundation. It’s like learning to crawl lays the groundwork for learning to walk, and walking forms the groundwork for running. That’s the sequence that makes sense. Even though running will “get you there faster,” it won’t be useful to try teaching running before crawling and walking. So we suggest in general to offer any teaching in the same sequence that Connirae uses.
Certification or Endorsement to Teach Wholeness Work

There is currently no Coach or Trainer Training for Wholeness Work. This sort of Training could never substitute for the learning that will happen from the steps above (including personal use of Wholeness Work, attending live and/or online training with Connirae, and participating in live trainings as a coach). Those who have worked closely with Connirae over multiple trainings are in the best position to pass on the work with quality, care, and personal understanding.

We do offer Certificates of Participation for each live Wholeness Training you attend. If we create an official Wholeness Trainer Training, and/or Trainer/Coach Certification/Endorsement Training Program, we will let you know. Be sure you are on our email list at

For Those Seeking a Quality Wholeness Training.

Connirae’s live trainings are all listed here on her International Schedule at the top of the page:

Learning Wholeness with Another Trainer.
Are you considering attending a Wholeness Training with another trainer? There are many excellent people from around the world who are beginning to join me in offering Wholeness Trainings. This is a wonderful thing! However, we do not currently have a system to reviewing each Trainer’s work. This means it will be up to you to find someone you experience to be effective. Here are some tips to help you select a quality Wholeness Trainer.
Ask your Trainer:
1. Have you participated in Wholeness Trainings with Connirae? If so, how many days of training with Connirae have you participated in?

If possible, find someone who has participated in a minimum of 3 Foundation Wholeness Trainings, (6-9 days total training time) plus advanced Wholeness Training days.

2. What other background do you have with Wholeness Work? If possible, find a Trainer/Coach who has used the Wholeness Work personally, and has guided clients in Wholeness Work.*
*Please note that background in NLP in general or in other kinds of spiritual work aren’t in themselves qualification to teach Wholeness Work. This is a very specific way of working.
More Tips for Finding a Good Trainer:
1. Attend a free preview with the Trainer to get your own experience of this person’s work.

2. Watch Connirae’s Free online Webinar on Wholeness Work. This will give you a brief background in Wholeness Work, and can help you to recognize if your trainer is building on what Connirae is presenting.

3. Get one or more Wholeness Training videos, taught by Connirae.  Watching and listening the online training will prepare you to get more benefit from live training with another trainer. Many people tell us the online trainings give them a “jump start” so that when they attend live training, they get more out of it. The online training will also give you a reference experience for how the Wholeness Work can be taught. 

Each Trainer’s style will be somewhat different, and that is a good thing. So don’t expect your Trainer to be exactly like Connirae. A somewhat different expression of Wholeness Principles can enrich your learning experience. However, if you’ve experienced Connirae teaching Wholeness Work, it may help you recognize if a Trainer really doesn’t understand or embody the main Wholeness teachings.
How to Attribute Wholeness Work
The Wholeness Work was developed by Connirae Andreas over a period of 10 years of research and experimentation. If you want to use the Wholeness Work in Trainings and/or with clients, here’s how to acknowledge the developer/source.
1. Call the work by its name: The Wholeness Work, the Wholeness Processes, etc.

2. Acknowledge the source, both verbally and in writing. For example, “The Wholeness Work was developed by Connirae Andreas.”

3. Refer to original sources. For example, “For more resources on the Wholeness Work, go to: There you will find materials from the developer, Dr. Connirae Andreas.”
Or: “The official Wholeness Work Website of Dr. Connirae Andreas is:

Or: “To access Wholeness Work resources by Dr. Connirae Andreas, the developer of this work, visit:
Wholeness Trainer Certification/Endorsement:
We may create a more official Wholeness Trainer Certification Program in the future. If you are interested in this, please contact [email protected]

Include your name, the country in which you work, your background in Wholeness Work, and anything else you think might be relevant. Let us know if there are particular Trainer Resources you would like to have.
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