Learn a personal change method that will take you on a healing journey to the depths of your being. Your limitations will become the doorway to powerful transformation.
About The course
Learning Outcomes
Our live-online trainings are very close to in person trainings. You’ll be able to watch me demonstrate each method with a volunteer, then use breakout “rooms” to do each exercise in pairs. You’ll have access to on-the-spot coaching as you do the guided exercises with other participants in pairs.
Each Session you’ll get to actually experience a new Wholeness Work method. You’ll see a live demonstration and then do the process with a partner using Zoom’s breakout rooms. Click the links below to discover what you’ll learn each Session.
You'll begin learning the elements of the Wholeness Work, including "How to find and 'i'" and "What is Awareness?" and "How and why do these things matter?" We'll lay the groundwork for a precise and reliable way to "dissolve the everyday sense of the ego." You'll have the opportunity to share experiences and ask questions.
Webinar 2 will include a demonstration, and a paired exercise. You’ll learn what makes this method a simple, yet sometimes profound, way to reliably experience what spiritual teachers talk about.
In Webinar 3 you’ll learn how the Wholeness Work can gently and kindly meet and transform your experience in the moment.
Using this method as a practice shifts how we are in the world. We experience ourselves to be simply “OK” and at peace, with nothing and nobody to prove anything to. We have a sense of substantialness and groundedness.
In Webinar 4 we’ll begin to learn about how the different Wholeness Work formats fit with each other. We’ll have time for Questions and Answers, so you can gain additional tips to apply in your own practice and/or in your work for others.
The first three Sessions teach methods of Dissolving the ego.
Sessions 4 & 5 teach the next phase of Wholeness Work.
Each training day of the training, you’ll be learning more of the underlying Wholeness Principles that make this work so impactful. When you learn these principles through direct experience in the training, they tend to “stick.” This makes it possible for you to follow the flow of your own and someone else’s unique experience in the moment.
You’ll learn:
Emotional Reactivity
Session Times: 10:00am – 1pm, Denver Colorado time
(5-8pm London; 6-9pm Vienna/Berlin; 9:30pm-12:30 Mumbai; Next Day 12-3am Manilla; Next Day 3-6am Sydney. Please CONFIRM TIMES IN YOUR LOCATION.)
Optional Bonus Practice Sessions: Thursdays, November 7, 14, 28, 2024. Start time: 10 am Denver time. Each session 90 mins.
Register Soon for Nov, 2024 Training
No prerequisite. Everyone is welcome! A background with Core Transformation can be helpful but isn’t necessary.
Bonus: Free Practice Group Sessions. 90 mins each. As part of the Wholeness Foundation training, you’ll have access to three optional free practice sessions. In each session, you’ll be able to pair up with another participant to practice one of the Wholeness formats. Practice sessions are hosted by Deepa Somani, a Wholeness Work Trainer, or another experienced Wholeness Coach, so you’ll be able to ask questions and have backup help if needed. These sessions can support you in continuing to use Wholeness Work for your ongoing benefit.
What People are Saying
“I have been meditating, and contemplating for 40 years and the Wholeness Process gives me greater flexibility and refined tools for accomplishing stillness.”
Ray Haiduk
Wholeness Process Online Training Participant
“This simple process definitely works for me. While I’m doing it, no spiritual fireworks, just a deep, healing peace …not an «egolessness» but a very gradual loss of attachment to «ego». And that’s much more than I had hoped for when starting this program…With deep gratitude,”
Maarten Aalberse
Clinical Psychologist, France
“The Wholeness Process created a huge breakthrough in my life…beyond my wildest expectations. I could not believe that it’s possible to have such a big change with a process that is so simple and easy, and yet so extremely profound. Connirae is a true master when it comes to change. She combines her unbelievable skilled NLP Mastery with an understanding beyond words about the deepest realms of your soul.”
Martin Weiss
Coach, Germany
“For me this training filled in a missing piece.”
Connirae Andreas
Upcoming Trainings
The Wholeness Work Essential Guide
Level I - Healing & Awakening
Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Unearth profound methods and insights to awaken inner peace and experience life in a whole new way.
Wholeness Level I-III - In Person
Join in person training with Connirae in the Netherlands!
Starts May 16.
Learn More & Register
New Book
The Wholeness Work Essential Guide - Level 1: Healing & Awakening
Available on all Amazon platforms worldwide in paperback and ebook.
In Person Training with Connirae in Amsterdam, June 22-29.
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New Book
The Wholeness Work Essential Guide - Level 1: Healing & Awakening
Available on all Amazon platforms worldwide in paperback and ebook.
In Person Training with Connirae in Amsterdam, June 22-29.
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